Raspbian (Jessie) | Debian install webmin

Open your terminal emulator or SSH session:

1.) sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade -y

2.) sudo apt-get install libnet-ssleay-perl libauthen-pam-perl libio-pty-perl apt-show-versions

3.) cd ~/Desktop/

Note:  You can download the package to any directory that you want however, I’m dropping it onto the Desktop so that I get a constant reminder to delete it when I see it.  **I like clean desktops!**

4.) wget https://sourceforge.net/projects/webadmin/files/webmin/1.810/webmin_1.810_all.deb

5.) sudo dpkg -i webmin_1.810_all.deb

6.) connect your browser to webmin by:  https://my-pi-ip:10000

Linux find & stop processes | syslog test logger


In order to accept a new configuration, you will need to restart your syslog server:

/etc/init.d/syslog stop
/etc/init.d/syslog start

Another way to do this is to find the syslog process and send a HUP signal to it:

ps -ax |grep syslog
6743 ??   0:00.40 /usr/sbin/syslogd
kill -HUP 6743

Testing syslog

To test if syslog has been set up correctly you can log an event to syslog using the “logger“` command:

logger -t test "Here's an example log entry"

Next check your logs configured in Logentries to see if any events have been recorded.

VNC connectivity

Run your vnc server (as needed)

As needed.

The session will continue to run until you -kill it, or until SCCS does.
Warning – tokens, kerberos tickets, vpn, and ssh tunnelling can all conspire to prevent you from reconnecting to an existing vncserver session. See troubleshooting section below. The safest thing is to re-start a vncserver for every use, and -kill it when done.

Use VNC Viewer to connect from Windows (every time you connect)

Every time you need a new session.

  • Invoke a command window on your PC:
    • click the Start Button in the lower lefthand corner of your screen
    • enter Command in the search box
    • select “Command line tools” from the list
  • In the command window, use putty to create a secure scp tunnel to the vncserver host and vncserver port:
    • putty -ssh -L pcport:localhost:59displaynum vncserverhost.slac.stanford.edu
      • pcport = port on your pc, e.g. 5902
      • displaynum = vncserver session as noted when you started the vncserver
      • vncserverhost = host where vncserver is running
    • for example
      putty -ssh -L 5902:localhost:5903 iris01.slac.stanford.edu
      putty -ssh -L 5902:localhost:5912 iris02.slac.stanford.edu
      **Enter your unix username and password.
  • Now run the VNC Viewer (click the shortcut)
    • In the Server box, enter localhost:pcport
      for example localhost:5902
    • click OK
    • The vnc viewer authentication popup will appear; this can take some time.
    • Enter your vnc server password (you don’t need to enter username in the popup).
  • Your linux desktop should appear.
  • When you’re ready to close the vnc client, simply click the window close icon, “X”, at the upper righthand corner of the display.



Speed Cube-ology – The study of speed cubing

Complete Methods Chart

The Fridrich Method -Jessica Fridrich
Video explanation #1
PLL algorytims (printable) -thesixsides.com

The Roux Method -Gilles Roux

The Heise Method -Ryan Heise
Corner 3-cycles — and corner pairs

Petrus Method -Lars Petrus
Bad Edge Theory- 2, 4 or 6 repair

ZZ Method

Sexy Move video 1 – Approx 3 mins in

====Wittman Method====

Begin by solving the first two layers using the “(various Youtube) beginner methods” or
a method similar to the very advanced Fridritch F2L method referenced above — or choose from some of the many other ideas you can google on good ways to begin your solve of the first two layers. There are literally dozens of methods to get this done…

For the Last Layer, my method doesn’t require the rather cumbersome memorization of the Fridrich 80+ PLL nor OLL algorithms.

I have coined my Last Layer Algorithms as POLE followed by POLC and have broken it down into the much smaller set below…
–I am still building out the table(s) below — please check back for more soon.–

POLE Transmutate:
-check back
Oriention ONLY!!! if your lucky enough to receive the transmutate skip:

===Algorithms follow===

3 corner POLC:

Upper layer (LFU frozen) ==> 3 piece CCW — rotate all CCW
F’ L U2 L’ F L F’ U2 F L’

Upper layer (LFU frozen) ==> 3 piece CCW — rotate all CW
R U’ L’ U R’ U’ L U

Upper layer (LFU frozen) ==> 3 piece CCW — rotate none
R2 B2 R F R’ B2 R F’ R

Upper layer (LBU frozen) ==> 3 piece CW — rotation UBR -UFR +UFL)
X’ R U R’ D R U’ R’ D’

Upper layer (LBU frozen) ==> 2 pieces @ you – 3rd piece LBD positon — (??rotation UBR -UFR (-/+)UFL??)
(Usually requires analytics and a 1 or 3 move conjugation of the third piece into LBD placement)
X’ R U R’ D2 R U R’ D2

Multi-Corner Orient only (In case your lucky and the Last layer Transmutate skip occurs):

VCP5-DCV exam prep

Vidad Cosonok’s blog

Highly ranked Amazon VCP5 Study Guide by Brian Atkinson –dated @ May 14, 2012.

Updated VCP5-DCV Study Guide by Brian Atkinson –dated Apr 21, 2014

Scott Lowe’s Mastering vSphere 5 (often thought of as the bible of ESXi 5) — dated Oct 18, 2011

ESXTOP: Good stuff on the subject!

moving opensuse to a new machine

chroot to the openSUSE root and run mkinitrd

mkinitrd Description:

mkinitrd creates an initial image used by the kernel for preloading the block device modules (such as IDE, SCSI or RAID) which are needed to access the root filesystem. mkinitrd automatically loads filesystem modules (such as ext3 and jbd), IDE modules, all scsi_hostadapter entries in /etc/modprobe.conf, and raid modules if the system’s root partition is on raid, which makes it simple to build and use kernels using modular device drivers.

Any module options specified in /etc/modprobe.conf are passed to the modules as they are loaded by the initial ramdisk.

The root filesystem used by the kernel is specified in the boot configuration file, as always. The traditional root=/dev/hda1 style device specification is allowed. If a label is used, as in root=LABEL=rootPart the initrd will search all available devices for an ext2 or ext3 filesystem with the appropriate label, and mount that device as the root filesystem.

chroot Description:

VBOX — the headless horseman

Brevity of the day:

echo VBOXWEB_USER=user > /etc/default/virtualbox
echo # VBOXWEB_HOST= >> /etc/default/virtualbox

/etc/init.d/vboxweb-service start

chkconfig vboxweb-service on

init 6

OR this:

Manage your VirtualBox VMs via the web with phpVirtualBox

Generally speaking, if it is a web-based tool that starts with “php” (such as phpMyAdmin or phpLDAPadmin) you know that tool is going to make your administrative life a lot easier. Such is the case with a php-based tool created to help you manage all of your VirutalBox VMs from a single tool, from anywhere (so long as said “anywhere” is accessible from, you guessed it, anywhere).
I do use VirtualBox and was thrilled to come across phpVirtualBox. This tool is an AJAX implementation of the familiar VirtualBox user interface, so the minute you log in you will be instantly at home. Let’s take a look at how this tool is installed and used.
First things first
You need to make sure you have the latest VirtualBox installed as well as the Extension Pack. You can run phpVirtualBox with the 3.x release of VirtualBox, but there are a lot more features available in the 4.x release. You can download both from the VirtualBox download page. You will also need to have the PHP Soap extension. This can be installed by searching for the package php-soap in your Add/Remove Software tool. Once you have that installed, you are then ready to install and configure the phpVirtualBox application.
You will also have to have a working Apache server on the target machine. If you do not have that, you can go ahead and do a full LAMP install (which will cover a lot of your basics).
Installing phpVirtualBox
First download the compressed installation file from the download page. Make sure you download the release that is correct for the version of VirtualBox you have installed. What you need to do is to move that file into your web server’s document root and then unpack it. When you unpack the file you will have a newly created directory /var/www/phpvirtualbox-XXX Where XXX is the release number. I highly recommend you rename that directory to just /var/www/phpvirtualbox.
After you have the file unpacked, you need to do a minor configuration. This minor configuration is in the /var/www/phpvirtualbox/config.php. NOTE: Depending upon your distribution, your document root will differ.

You really only need configure the following options:

var $username
var $password

Make sure the username and password are for the user that will actually run the virtualbox application (so this won’t be a root user).
You are now ready to fire up daemon. To run this simply issue the command vboxwebsrv. This will run the daemon that will allow you to log into your phpvitualbox machine. NOTE: If you are using VirtualBox 4.x you can start the daemon with the command /etc/init.d/vbweb-service. There is one catch with that, you still want to run the web service as the user that will run VirtualBox.
Log in
Open up a browser and point it to http://ADDRESS_TO_SERVER/phpvirtualbox. When you do this you will see the VirtualBox interface embedded into your web browser. You can then use VirtualBox from within that web browser as if it were on the local machine!
If you are running VirtualBox 3.x you will need to take one other step (prior to starting up the daemon). Open up your terminal window and issue the command:
VBoxManage setproperty websrvauthlibrary null
Once that command has run, you can then start up the daemon and use VirtualBox through your webbrowser.

ref: http://www.torrent-invites.com/software/101718-manage-your-virtualbox-vms-via-web-phpvirtualbox.html

Special considerations:
SELinux Considerations

If SELinux is installed and you would like to keep it enabled, you may have to add a rule for vboxwebsrv.

Install semanage (yum install policycoreutils-python) and run the command below:

semanage port -a -t http_port_t -p tcp 18083

This will add the VirtualBox’s web service port (18083) to be accessible by a service running in an http context (eg. apache).
Arch Linux Considerations

In Arch Linux, be sure to edit /etc/php/php.ini, and uncomment the following lines:


by removing the ‘;’ at the beginning of each. Then restart apache.
Suse Considerations

Due to the complex dance between VirtualBox and PAM configurations, you will have to disable authentication between vboxwebsrv and the OS by running the following command as the same user that runs VirtualBox on your system:

VBoxManage setproperty websrvauthlibrary null

Windows Considerations

phpVirtualBox’s location setting in config.php cannot be set to ‘localhost’ use instead. E.g.

ref: http://code.google.com/p/phpvirtualbox/wiki/Installation#SELinux_Considerations

Top 20 Linux system monitoring tools for every admin

ref: http://www.cyberciti.biz/tips/top-linux-monitoring-tools.html

Linux mounting an NFS .ISO to a directory

#step 1:
# mount -t nfs /mnt/iso1

Ok, this way you’ll have all your ISO files at /mnt/iso1. Now, imagine you want to mount one of these ISOs in loopback:

#step 2:
# mount -o loop /mnt/isos/[isofilename].iso /tmp/blah
/mnt/isos/blah.iso: Permission denied

Permission denied??? Hmmm.. I got stuck with this problem for a bit the first time. Tried changing permissions and exporting parameters, Google, but no answer at all… then… fortunately…. I found it: -o loop,ro!

#step 2 (for real this itme):
# mount -o loop,ro /mnt/iso1/[isofilename].iso /tmp/blah

virtualbox opensuse

Update 4 April 2013 Tested & working in openSUSE 12.3

Introduction You can install the fully open source version or the Sun/Oracle version. The latter (Sun/Oracle) is significantly better IMHO. I only talk about the Sun/Oracle version here.

Install the Oracle VirtualBox RPM Add this repo, it contains the Oracle VirtualBox RPM and it will supply updates over time. It is currently the correct repo for openSUSE 11.4, 12.1, 12,2, 12.3 and Tumbleweed

Oracle VirtualBox openSUSE http://download.virtualbox.org/virtualbox/rpm/opensuse/11.4/

Important, read carefully: You will have a series of possible RPMs available in the package management GUI in Yast. Be very sure to install only the Oracle VirtualBox RPM, not the oss virtualbox RPM. GoTo Yast –> Software –> Software management and select the Oracle RPM. If dependency linkages attempt to install additional packages beginning virtualbox-guest or virtualbox-host kernel modules, then you have made a mistake. Install only the single RPM “VirtualBox”. Make sure you choose the latest version in the repo.

Additional RPMs You will also need these RPMs: kernel-devel, gcc, make. Install them in yast or run this zypper command (as root)

zypper in gcc make kernel-devel

Add your username to the vboxusers group VirtualBox permissions will not work properly until you do this. GoTo Yast –> Security and Users –> User and group management. Highlight and Edit you username. Select the Details tab and tick the box to add yourself to “vboxusers”. Then reboot to activate the changes.

Next: the Extension Pack This pack provides additiopnal functionality like USB and RDP support. GoTo the VirtualBox dot org download site https://www.virtualbox.org/wiki/Downloads and click the link for the Extension Pack. NB be sure to select the extension pack with the same version as your installed version of VirtualBox! Download the pack, a file with a name like Oracle_VM_VirtualBox_Extension_Pack-4.0.14-74382.vbox-extpack. Download the pack, then browse to it and click it with the mouse. That will cause it to be installed (provided the VirtualBox RPM has been installed first).

Each time you upgrade the VirtualBox RPM, you will have to go back to the Extension Pack download page and acquire and install the new Extension Pack to match the version number of the upgraded RPM.

Where’s the GUI? In KDE GoTo Kicker –> Applications –> System –> Virtual Machine (Oracle VM VirtualBox).

After a Kernel Upgrade in the openSUSE Host This is arguably a part of the installation of VirtualBox. When you have a kernel upgrade, after you reboot, you must run this command as root to recompile the kernel modules:

/etc/init.d/vboxdrv setup

If USB support fails: If the Guest VM does not detect USB devices, or if they are detected but “grayed” out in the menu bar, check that you added your username to the vboxusers group. Check that the file xx-vboxdrv.rules exists in the directory /etc/udev/rules.d/

That’s all folks. I only wanted to talk about the installation, which can be a bit tricky in the detail.

[PS: Tumbleweed only: if you’re a Tumbleweeder you might occasionally install an upgrade of the VirtualBox RPM with “zypper dup”. Just check that the earlier version of the RPM has uninstalled. Run “rpm -qa | grep VirtualBox” and make sure the earlier one has gone.]

Whatabout VM Tools??… try VirtualBox guest additions in the device menu of the machine itself. Link follows, will translate to CLI when time permits, link.
